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Pig slaughter and abattoir equipment and accessories






I、Pig Abattoir (slaughter) Procedure Brief Instruction

1、Living Pig Collection Unit

1.1When living pig arrived in pig slaughtering plant holding pen platform for un-loading, the veterinarian will inspection all pig one by one for whether they are complete available for epidemic prevention standard, then un-loading health pig to holding pen, if there are some pig is not available to standard will be keep in truck and take back to farm for further inspection

1.2The health pig will keep in living pig holding pen waiting for slaughtering, and the veterinarian need inspection all pig every day to avoid some shadiness ill pig, if there are some pig sick in slaughtering plant holding pen, then the veterinarian need separate sick pig in appoint place for further inspection, if the pig sick until slaughtering then the sick pig will be slaughtering in emergency slaughtering room to avoid infection other pig, the area in holding pen for each pig is 1.5-2.4 M2 , the worker should keep pig feel free when leading into holding pen

1.3The living pig will stop feeding in 24hours before leading to slaughtering plant for killing, and the pig will stop drink in 3hours before leading to slaughtering plant for killing. 

1.4The living pig will be cleaned on the way entrance slaughtering house for killing, and the workers must controlling water pressure when cleaning living pig for killing

1.5The channel for living cattle entrance slaughtering plant width should be 900-1000mm

2、Living Pig Stunning And Bleeding Unit  

2.1When pigs finished cleaning and entrance slaughtering plant, then stunning living pig with electric in order to convenient killing and bleeding, this way both can reduce noise and managing worker. The numbing unit is a very important procedure in slaughtering plant , The numbing unit always in order to numbness pig for convenient killing and bleeding , the numbing unit is good for short labors and keeping slaughtering house quiet

2.2The living pig will be killed in following two way: 

Vertical type bleeding: When the pig complete stunning then fixed hind legs with bleeding shackle and lifting to over head convey rail and hanging on convey rail, then killing pig neck and convey to bleeding area for complete bleeding, the bleeding time is 5minutes

Horizontal type bleeding: When the pig complete stunning then sliding to horizontal convey machine, the pig will be killed and bleeding on convey machine, the bleeding time is 3minutes (90% blood will be bleeding in this step)

2.3The pig will be hanging on over head convey rail for further processing, the over head convey level is 3600mm from floor

2.4The mainly pig slaughtering procedure as following :

Living pig lifting pig and hanging to over head convey rail 

Living pig killing for bleeding

Pig bleeding 

Pig carcass blood and dirty cleaning for scalding

Pig head、hooves removed 

3、Pig Carcass Processing Unit  

3.1Pig carcass scalding way as following: 

River Type Scalding: when the pig complete bleeding and cleaning then convey and put pig carcass into hot water pool for scalding, the temperature of scalding water is 58-620C, the scalding time is 4-6minutes, meanwhile the worker need reversed pig carcass for equality scalding in hot water pool.

Hanging Type Scalding: When the pig complete bleeding and cleaning then the carcass direct to convey to hot water pool for scalding meanwhile pig carcass will hanging one convey rail, the temperature of scalding water is 58-620C, the scalding time is 4-6minutes, the scalding systems is complete closed so this way can good prevention heat lost. 

Steam Channel Scalding: When the pig complete bleeding and cleaning then directly convey carcass into hot steam channel for scalding and meanwhile the pig carcass will hanging on convey rail, This way can well avoid pig bacilli infection each, this high-tech scalding way is the best way for all over world and normal used in big pig slaughtering plant 

3.2Pig carcass De-Hair way as following:

Horizontal type de-hair: When the pig carcass complete scalding then take out from hot water pool and put it to de-hair machine for de-hair, the horizontal type de-hair machine working principle mainly removed pig hair through inside roller and tuber plate turn-around to removed pig hair cleaning

Spiral type de-hair: this way mainly used to cooperate with steam channel type scalding systems, when the pig complete scalding and out from steam channel then directly sliding to spiral de-hair machine entrance side, the machine main working principle is through tube plate de-hair and spiral pressure type to removed hair cleaning

3.3When the pig carcass finished bleeding then unloading it on pre-skinning convey table , Meanwhile removing hoofs of pig , The next step is put carcass on a appoint position for skin removed . the carcass complete skin hide by skin hide machine , meanwhile put the skin one the skin convey machine to appoint place 

3.4Pig carcass processing mainly procedure as following: 

Pig carcass remnant hair burning and polishing: Which mainly used fire burning the remnant hair which can’t removed by automatic de-hair machine, then used polishing machine removed the remnant hair dirt from carcass

Pig intestines and genital removed: when the pig carcass surface complete cleaning then removed intestines and genital for further processing

Brisket Opening: When out surface of pig carcass complete processing then open brisket for evisceration 

Pig viscera removed: When pig brisket opening then take pig white viscera out and put on automatic viscera inspection viscera inspection convey systems and the red viscera hanging on red viscera inspection convey systems for inspection. 

Pig carcass splitting cutting: when finished evisceration then cutting complete pig carcass into half for further processing.

Pig carcass mending: When pig finished cutting half then removed fat and some other waste pork from pig carcass. 

Pig inspection

Pig carcass weigh

4、 Pig By-Product (Offal) Processing Unit 

4.1The red viscera will be take out and slid to synchronous red viscera transportation systems for inspection, When cattle red viscera finished inspection and as per standard require then transportation to appoint place for further processing, the red viscera will be cleaning in processing room and the offal will be throw more than 50meter far from slaughtering plant to avoid badly smell and bacilli. 

4.2The white viscera will be take out and slid to synchronous red viscera transportation systems for inspection, When cattle white viscera finished inspection and as per standard require then transportation to appoint place for further processing, the white viscera will be complete cleaning in processing room and the offal will be throw more than 50meter far from slaughtering plant. 

5、 Pig Carcass De-boning And Packaging Unit 


Hanging-type de-boning: The half carcass hang on convey rail then push it into carcass de-boning unit, the workers pre de-boning when carcass hanging on over head convey rail, then put pork on belt convey machine for complete de-boning, this way mainly used in big and middle size pig slaughtering plant.

Horizontal-type de-bone: The workers un-loading half carcass directly from over head convey rail on belt conveyer for de-boning without pre de-boning

5.2The pork packaging with vacuum packaging machine then put into frozen plate transportation to the instant freezing room (-300C) or send to the fresh keeping room (0-40C), the pork stay in instant freezing room for 8 hours and stay in fresh keeping room not more than 72hours 

5.3When the pork finished instant freezing then take out transportation to constant freezing room (-180C) for long time frozen.

5.4The temperature of partition room: 10-150C, the temperature of packaging room: Below 100C

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